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"Soul Grounding and Inspired of God."

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A work of art so beautiful that it will move you to tears.

My mission has been to create something so beautiful, and so true, that it moves people to tears.

And, so, here is my new book, Let's Stay Here - A Beautiful Story About Love and Truth.

Mission: Accomplished. It gets the job done.

I'd love to let it transform your soul.

In a world where people are feeling disconnected, alone, cynical, wounded, or even hopeless, Life gives us an invitation.

So, if you're reading this, I know one of 2 things:

  1. You've followed an inner whisper to get here, and/or

  2. You want to feel something, so deeply it makes you come alive.

  1. You either know me personally and want to be supportive, or

  2. You want to feel something, so deeply it makes you come alive.

Either way, you are in the right place and I couldn't be happier. You are about to do something magical.

Some Advance Praise for Let's Stay Here
"The first time I read this book, I cried. The second time I read it, I cried. I hope everyone has the opportunity to be so touched by these words. 10 stars from me!"
Some Advance Praise for Let's Stay Here
"I could not hold back the tears... it touched me deeper than I knew was possible."
Some Advance Praise for Let's Stay Here
"The poems in 'Let’s Stay Here' authentically capture the emotion, depth, and beauty of how it feels to fall in love, to fall out of love, and then, to fall in love with one’s self again after heartbreak. I would recommend it to anyone."
Some Advance Praise for Let's Stay Here
"Raw and intimate."
Some Advance Praise for Let's Stay Here
"'Let's Stay Here' is a beautiful tale of a man on a journey to understanding love. Joseph's words are raw and intimate. Many of his reflections resonated deeply within me as I reflected on my own relationships. The truths of love that he shares are what I wish every person could come to know. It is a powerful guide to what true love is and where it is found.​"
Some Advance Praise for Let's Stay Here
"A powerful guide to what true love is and where it is found.​"
Early Feedback From Reviewers
"I adore this book! These poems are written with incredible openness and deliver a message of profound truth, unlike anything I’ve ever read before. They speak to my heart in a way that I wasn’t expecting, but welcome."
Early Feedback From Reviewers
Early Feedback From Reviewers
"These words are captivating because they are powerful but also so tender at the same time. I felt like I was getting a glimpse into a remarkable, passionate, and enthralling love story that spoke to my heart and soul, as the story kept unfolding and growing, I was along for an epic ride."
Early Feedback From Reviewers
Early Feedback From Reviewers
"'Let’s Stay Here' belongs in your hands, for your eyes to take in so that its message can be absorbed into your heart."
Early Feedback From Reviewers
"Artful, and full of wisdom!"
Early Feedback From Reviewers
"'Let’s Stay Here' by Joseph Ranseth is many wonderful and beautiful things: it is a poetry book, a love story, and a modern-day hero’s journey. But perhaps most notably, it is an invitation to heal; to find wisdom in the midst of heartbreak, to uncover hope when hurting, and to recognize ourselves as we traverse the paths of our own lives — upon which we all stand as heroes in our own journeys."
Early Feedback From Reviewers
"There is heartbreak here, yes, but there is also hope, acceptance, and spiritual movement."
Early Feedback From Reviewers
"In poems bursting with vulnerability, honesty, and a hopefulness tempered by the hazards of love, Joseph Ranseth, as a fellow searcher, guides us through every dark chamber of the heart and beyond into the light, what some call the soul. Let’s Stay Here is an invitation—to pause, poised on each poem where every line is the breath of a friend. You will know this friend well by time you reach the final stanza. Take the invitation—and stay. These poems will surely stay with you long after you finish them."

Advance Praise From Early Readers

"The first time I read this book, I cried.

The second time I read it, I cried.

I hope everyone has the opportunity

to be so touched by these words.

10 stars from me!"

"I could not hold back the tears... it touched me deeper than I knew was possible."

"The poems in 'Let’s Stay Here' authentically capture the emotion, depth, and beauty of how it feels to fall in love, to fall out of love, and then, to fall in love with one’s self again after heartbreak. I would recommend it to anyone."

"Raw and intimate."

"'Let's Stay Here' is a beautiful tale of a man on a journey to understanding love. Joseph's words are raw and intimate. Many of his reflections resonated deeply within me as I reflected on my own relationships. The truths of love that he shares are what I wish every person could come to know. It is a powerful guide to what true love is and where it is found.​"

"A powerful guide to what true love is and where it is found.​"

(More feedback from early readers below)

How This Book, Let's Stay Here,

Came To Be

A year and a half ago, I had an incredible experience: walking on top of a mountain, a poem flashed into my mind. Not an idea for a poem, an entire poem. I saw the whole thing, with crystal clarity. so I pulled out my pen and paper and wrote it down. A few minutes later, another. Again, not an idea, an entire poem. I wrote that one down as well, exactly as I saw it.

By the end of the hike, I had received nearly a dozen poems.

Within 24 hours, I received another poem; the one that would inspire the title of this

book, and right then I made a commitment:

Whatever happened in my life, I would continue to capture every poem that was given to me, and do whatever it was that Life wanted me to do with them.

Whatever happened in my life, I would continue to capture every poem that was given to me, and do whatever it was that Life wanted me to do with them.

And here we are.

Sharing this book with others means the world to me.

A year ago, I felt a whisper call me on an unexpected inner journey. Against all reason and logic, it asked to essentially shut down my business and devote myself to the journey of listening to that whisper,doing the inner work, and writing down what I received. This terrified me. As someone with trauma around finances (following a traumatic brain injury that sent my entire life into a tailspin), it seemed like complete insanity to me... But I had made a clear commitment in my life:

Follow the inner whisper, at all costs.

Follow the inner whisper, at all costs.

What followed, I could not have predicted in a million years, but one thing came through crystal clear:

"what you are doing, you are doing not for yourself, but for all of humanity."

I wasn't exactly sure what that meant, but I knew that this was something bigger than just myself.

Do I believe this book will save the world? Probably not.

Will it save someone's life? Unequivocally, yes. (More on that later)

And right now you are being invitd to come along on a journey of love, healing, and truth.

If you say "yes," you're honoring the inner whisper, that faint but powerful voice of wisdom that brings us to the precipice and asks us to take a bold step of faith. You're saying "yes" to Life.

You're co-creating, and helping bring a miracle of beauty to the world. Yes, you. That's the power of listening to the inner whisper. I'm convinced of that, and you get to help prove it.

I answered the call, and it changed my life. I was invited to join in faith, as a partner with Life, to bring something truly beautiful to the world.

Sharing this gift is how I want to support my family.

If you are willing to answer this same call, I promise you that this book will move you to tears and help wake you up to something so beautiful within yourself that you'll wonder how you ever lived before.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for allowing me to share this journey with you.

Deciding To Move Forward

Honestly, writing this book was entirely unexpected. I hadn't written a poem in over 25 years... since I was a school boy! (Think, Roses are red...)

But when I read these poems, I felt that they were amazing. They were so beautiful to me that they moved me to tears. I was motivated to share them as a book with the world.

And then the thought came: "What if I'm crazy?"

I was consumed by the idea that I might be delusional. That it was all in my head and I was simply going crazy. That the poems weren't actually that good, that nobody else in the world would see any value to this book, and that I was simply a fool for starting to believe in an empty dream.

I was consumed by the idea that I might be delusional. That it was all in my head and I was simply going crazy. That the poems weren't actually that good, that nobody else in the world would see any value to this book, and that I was simply a fool for starting to believe in an empty dream.

So I hired an independent reader.

I said: "I think this stuff is good, but I might bedelusional. I need your honest feedback."

And you know what they said? That it was good. Like, good. Reallllly good.

So I hired an independent reader.Image

I said: "I think this stuff is good, but I might bedelusional. I need your honest feedback."

And you know what they said? That it was good. Like, good. Reallllly good.

And then I hired another.

And you know what they said? "This is better than Rupi Kaur and Yung Pueblo." (2 New York Times mega-bestselling authors.)

And then I hired another.

And you know what they said? "This is better than Rupi Kaur and Yung Pueblo." (2 New York Times mega-bestselling authors.)

And then I continued to get other editors and readers to look at it. Because I was worried that lightning was simply striking more than once (at the random fluke of two independent readers both validating my deepest dreams) and I figured that eventually someone would tell me that this book was crap and that I was full-on delusional for thinking it was worthwhile. But no. The positive feedback continued. I was hearing things like:

  • "This has legs, you need to run with it."

  • "It made me cry so hard I started my period." (Not kidding)

  • "This helped me heal old wounds"

  • "I felt a depth of love for myself that I never knew was possible."

  • "I don't even know you but I am so proud of you and this beautiful book you've created."

  • "This has legs, you need to run with it."

  • "It made me cry so hard I started my period." (Not kidding)

  • "This helped me heal old wounds"

  • "I felt a depth of love for myself that I never knew was possible."

  • "I don't even know you but I am so proud of you and this beautiful book you've created."

And so, you see, I feel compelled and duty-bound to move forward with this project.

Feedback From Early Readers

Here's a sampling of what some early readers of the book have been saying:

"I adore this book! These poems are written with incredible openness and deliver a message of profound truth, unlike anything I’ve ever read before. They speak to my heart in a way that I wasn’t expecting, but welcome."


"These words are captivating because they are powerful but also so tender at the same time. I felt like I was getting a glimpse into a remarkable, passionate, and enthralling love story that spoke to my heart and soul, as the story kept unfolding and growing, I was along for an epic ride."


"'Let’s Stay Here' belongs in your hands, for your eyes to take in so that its message can be absorbed into your heart."

"Artful, and full of wisdom!"

"'Let’s Stay Here' by Joseph Ranseth is many wonderful and beautiful things: it is a poetry book, a love story, and a modern-day hero’s journey. But perhaps most notably, it is an invitation to heal; to find wisdom in the midst of heartbreak, to uncover hope when hurting, and to recognize ourselves as we traverse the paths of our own lives — upon which we all stand as heroes in our own journeys."

"There is heartbreak here, yes, but there is also

hope, acceptance, and spiritual movement."

"In poems bursting with vulnerability, honesty, and a hopefulness tempered by the hazards of love, Joseph Ranseth, as a fellow searcher, guides us through every dark chamber of the heart and beyond into the light, what some call the soul. Let’s Stay Here is an invitation—to pause, poised on each poem where every line is the breath of a friend. You will know this friend well by time you reach the final stanza. Take the invitation—and stay. These poems will surely stay with you long after you finish them."

The Impact

So I hired an independent reader.

I said: "I think this stuff is good, but I might bedelusional. I need your honest feedback."

And you know what they said? That it was good. Like, good. Reallllly good.

And then I hired another.

And you know what they said? "This is better than Rupi Kaur and Yung Pueblo." (2 New York Times mega-bestselling authors.)

What strikes me most is that this isn't just a collection of poems. It's a story - a hero's journey through love, loss, and healing - told through a series of poems that each stand alone in their impact and beauty.

It's a truly beautiful story.

I couldn't feel more strongly that right now the world needs more beauty.

Because beautiful things are what unite us...

There are so many reasons for people to be divided and cynical, but the world gets better as people find reasons to feel grateful, experience beauty, and be reminded of all that is good within themselves and in the world.

This book can help do that. People have already shared with me that reading this book has:

  • healed relationships

  • helped them to love themselves

  • inspired a belief in love after loss

  • shown them things about themselves that they only thought was possible through therapy or psychedelics

  • given comfort during hardship

Writing this book has completely changed me as a human being. I am not the person that I was before the poems began. Old parts of me - that I never thought I'd get rid of - have died and in their place has been born something new.

If a reader gets only 1% of the benefit that I received from writing it, it's impact will be profound. I truly believe that.

I made a promise to myself, that whatever Life had in store for me, I would surrender to it, and live wholeheartedly in service to others. Now I am approaching this project as if it were a commission from Life itself and I won't back down from the challenge.

Will you join me on this journey?

A Free Preview!

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